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Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Here we find the final single from this talented Chicago group that truly deserved more widespread success (their "Never Let My Love Grow Cold" is easily in my top 20 45's of all time). Featuring leader and songwriter Bobby Newsome, this group' run of 8 singles were ALL excellent or, at the very least, very good.

This record was recorded at the time when soul music was in flux, breaking off into sweeter group sounds or harder hitting funk. This song retains the uptown sophistication and song craft of 60's Chicago soul, with a VERY hard hitting sound that nicely nods to the funkier side of things. Talk about an exciting swan song!

from 1969...


Anonymous said...

Love this one! I seem to hear a few Motown echoes, as well. Marie

Unknown said...

This is great! Thank you!